Call for Papers
T1:Intelligent Vehicle Technology and Applications- Electric Vehicles (EVs)
- Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs)
- Behavioral Modeling, Human Factors and HMI
- Driver and Traveler Support Systems
- V2X Communication Technologies
- Intelligent Control Strategies
- Vision and Environment Perception
- Vehicle Localization, Object Tracking, and Navigation
- Road and Rail Traffic Management
- Air Traffic Management
- Ports, Waterways, and Vessel Traffic Management
- Management of Incidents and Evacuation
- Big Data and Naturalistic Datasets
- Privacy and Security
- Shared Mobility
- Mobility as a Service (MAAS)
- Scheduling of Smart Public Transportation
- Electronic Payment Systems for Public Transportation
- Intelligent Management and Supervision Systems for Public Transportation
- Design and Construction of Transportation Infrastructure
- Smart Construction of Transportation Infrastructure
- Inspection and Online Monitoring Technology of Transportation Infrastructure.
- Intelligent Traffic Signal
- Smart Street Lights
- Smart Parking System
- Smart Highways
- Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
- Remote Sensing
- Intelligent Logistics
- Drone-Based Delivery Systems
- Trustworthy AI for Transportation
- Technology for Carbon–neutral Transportation
- New technological trends in Transportation
Industrial Track
ITFT has proven to be a fertile ground for industrial research, and companies from small to large, from brand new to long established, are making an ongoing impact on the state of the art in science and engineering. The Industrial Track welcomes contributions showcasing original results obtained in an industrial environment, having clear industry relevance, and highlighting new research challenges motivated by practical tasks and practical settings. The Industry Track focuses on applied work describing that solves a significant real-world problem and demonstrates benefits as well as impact. Submissions must clearly describe how their work has been deployed or released, and for how long. Each submission must include at least one author with a non-academic affiliation. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The press will submit all papers to major databases such as EI, Scopus, DBLP and Google Scholar...