Call for Area Chairs

We invite researchers to serve on the ITFT 2025 conference committee as Area Chairs (ACs). The quality of the conference depends heavily on the paper selection process; and in turn, this hinges on bringing together the best possible team of Area Chairs. We hope that this call for Area Chairs can attract the right mix of people with complementary expertise to join the ITFT team and deliver an attractive conference for the whole community.

Being an Area Chair is a demanding task that involves: assigning reviewers, managing the review process and providing meta-reviews for approximately 25 papers; facilitating reviewer and AC discussions after the rebuttals are submitted; providing meta-reviews for approximately another 15 papers after the rebuttal period; and proposing outstanding papers for orals and awards.

We expect ACs to have typically at least three years of research experience since Ph.D, and reviewed at other relevant top conferences such as IEEE ITSC, IEEE IV, TRB, ISTTT, ICCVE. ACs should have demonstrated strong research in the areas of intelligent transportation (typically published at least three papers as first or senior author at the relevant top conferences or journals). If you are interested in being an ITFT 2025 AC, please send your CV or homepage link to [email protected] as soon as you can.

The deadline to apply is June 10, 2025. The Program Chairs will review all applications carefully and will respond by June 20, 2025.